Corel AfterShot Pro workspace

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The Corel AfterShot Pro workspace includes the following elements:


1. Menu bar

The menu bar is used to access common functions and features. For example, you can import folders, set your preferences, or access the Help.

2. Top toolbar

This toolbar contains a variety of search, metadata, layer, and viewing commands.

3. Preview panel

The Preview panel lets you view a large version of the photo that is selected in the Thumbnail panel. When Multi-Image View is enabled, the Preview panel displays previews of all the selected thumbnails. You can view image adjustments and zoom into or out of the selected images.

4. Tools panel

Like the Browse panel, the Tools panel has tabs for pages that contain a number of sections. For example, the Standard page displays the Histogram, Basic Adjustments, and Presets sections. Sections can be pinned so they stay visible.

The Tools panel can be hidden so that more room is available for viewing your images. Just click the arrow arrow-panel at the top of the Tools panel tabs to hide or show this panel.

5. Status bar

The Status bar lets you view information about the current image and access viewing controls such as Toggle Multi-Image View and Lock Position and Zoom. Soft-proofing and Clipping Warning controls are also accessible here.

6. Thumb Zoom toolbar

This toolbar contains the Thumbnail Size control which lets you adjust the size of the thumbnails in the Thumbnail panel.

7. Thumbnail panel

At the bottom of the main Corel AfterShot Pro window, this panel shows thumbnails for the folder, container, search or browse category selected with the Browse panel. All the images in the folder are initially visible in the Thumbnail panel, but you can filter the images to show only the thumbnails that match a specific set of criteria.

8. AfterShot Pro toolbar

This toolbar contains editing tools and viewing options for the Preview panel.

9. Browse panel

The Browse panel is your main access point for your photos. The panel has tabs for the Library, File System, and Output pages. Some pages are further divided into sections. For example, the Library page consists of a Catalogs section and a Metadata Browser section. The Browse panel can be hidden so that more room is available for viewing your images. Just click the left arrow arrow-panel-left at the top of the Browse panel tabs to hide or show the panel.


There are many ways to adjust and customize the Corel AfterShot Pro workspace. For more information, see Adjusting the workspace.

© 2014 Corel Corporation. Note: The availability of features depends on the version of the software you have.