Display preferences

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This Preferences page allows you to view and edit display preferences.

Background Preview Panel — sets the color for the background of the Preview panel. Requires restart to take effect.
Shadow Warning — sets the shadow and highlight warning level. Values below the Shadow Warning level and above the Highlight Warning level will be highlighted when Clipping Warning is enabled.
Maximum number of images in Multi-Image View — controls how many images will be shown at any one time in Multi-Image View.
EXIF Viewer uses Metadata Set — lets you choose which metadata set you want to show in the metadata pop-up window.
Display formats for dates — sets a default date format for the application.
Metadata viewer updates on mouse over — resets the viewer each time you position your pointer over another image.
Use round shape for Magnifier (uncheck for rectangle) — use a round (enabled) or rectangular (disabled) magnifier. Switch to a rectangle for a slightly larger magnifier, and to prevent display issues on Linux systems when desktop compositing is disabled.
Highlight Alternating Rows — in list views, like the Catalog section and Metadata Browser section of the Browse panel, highlight alternating rows. Disable for uniform row colors. Requires restart to take effect.
Use smaller fonts and icons — Enable this on notebooks and netbooks to make workspace elements smaller. Requires restart to take effect.
Maintain zoom when switching images — lets you pan and zoom into a single image, and then keep that zoom and pan position when switching images. This only affects Single Image view.
Use animation for image zoom — enables animation when zooming in or out on images. Disable this on slower computers for quicker viewing.
Show only high quality previews — enabling this preference will prevent Corel AfterShot Pro from showing lower quality previews when making image adjustments — which can make the previewing process take slightly longer.

© 2014 Corel Corporation. Note: The availability of features depends on the version of the software you have.