Layout options

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Show and hide panels

The workspace and layout of the panels and screens in Corel AfterShot Pro let you adjust and configure your screen layout in many different ways. The following menu options and keyboard shortcuts will help you create a screen layout that is perfect for you.

Menu Option

Default shortcut key


View > Image View


Switch to Image View, hiding the Thumbnail panel

View > Standard View


Switch to Standard View, revealing the Thumbnail panel and Preview panel

View >Thumbnail View


Switch to Thumbnail View, hiding the Preview panel

View > Toggle Left Panel


Hide or show the Browse panel (left)

View > Toggle Right Panel


Hide or show the Tools panel (right)

View >Toggle Orientation


Toggle from landscape mode (Preview panel above Thumbnail panel) to portrait mode (Preview panel right of Thumbnail panel)

View > Full Screen

F11 (Win / Linux)

Command + F (Mac)

Toggle Full Screen mode


These modes and layout options are also available from the Top toolbar:

Viewing options

The Top toolbar lets you to switch between different window layouts and viewing modes. You can access the following viewing and layout options:

Slideshow slideshow — lets you view a slideshow of the selected thumbnails.
Thumbnail View thumbnail_view — hides the Preview panel to allow quick browsing through many thumbnails.
Standard View standard_view — reveals both the Preview panel and the Thumbnail panel.
Image View image_view — hides the Thumbnail panel to make the Preview panel as large as possible.
Magnifier magnifier — lets you position your pointer over the preview window and magnify that image area.
Full Screen full_screen — maximizes the application window and hides the title bar.

Multi-Image View

The Preview panel in Corel AfterShot Pro can show one or more selected versions. When Multi-Image View is enabled, up to six versions can be shown in the Preview panel. Multi-Image View is a great mode for comparing several versions from the same master versions, or you can compare multiple master versions that have similar content.


Note: When Multi-Image View is enabled, many operations that normally operate on all selected versions operate only on the active version, including functions like adding, deleting, and renaming versions, applying ratings, labels, and flags with the toolbar buttons or shortcut keys, and pasting of image settings.

To toggle Multi-Image View

In the lower-right corner of the application window, click the Multi-Image View button toggle_multi-image_view.

Note: When using Multi-Image View, you can click the Lock Position and Zoom lock_position_and_zoom_on button (located beside the Multi-Image View button) to toggle the locking of the Pan position and Image Zoom level of multiple preview images.

Resizing panels

You can resize any of the panels. Resizing the Thumbnail panel to fit only one thumbnail in height (when in landscape mode) or one thumbnail in width (when in portrait mode) switches the Thumbnail panel from Thumbnail View to Standard View.

To resize a panel

Position your pointer over the edge of the panel and drag when the resizing cursor appears.

© 2014 Corel Corporation. Note: The availability of features depends on the version of the software you have.