Metadata tools

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The Metadata tab contains tools that let you view and edit the metadata associated with your images. This metadata includes camera data, EXIF and IPTC data, as well as information that you add to your files, such as keywords, star ratings, and captions. The controls are organized into three sections: Metadata, Keywords, and Keyword Sets.


This tool shows EXIF and IPTC metadata assigned to the Active Version, and allows you to add, remove or edit the IPTC data from all selected images.


You can select different metadata sets from the drop-down list at the top of the Metadata section, which changes the type of metadata that is shown. Some metadata is read-only, like Shutter Speed and ISO Rating, while other metadata is editable, like Caption, Rating, and Date.


This section shows all keywords assigned to the active version and all selected versions. You can add and remove keywords from all selected images.

Note: Adding or removing keywords from the Keywords section affects all selected images, while the keywords displayed in the section reflect only the active version.

Keyword Sets

This section provides a fast and easy way to assign multiple keywords to you photos. You can group similar keywords together in a set and show that set in the Keyword Sets section.


For more information about Metadata tools, see the following topics:

Working with metadata
About keywords
Working with keywords
Finding photos by using metadata

© 2014 Corel Corporation. Note: The availability of features depends on the version of the software you have.