Copying and pasting settings

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You can copy some or all the settings from one photo and paste the settings to other photos. For example, you can adjust the exposure, color, noise, and sharpness of a photo and apply metadata and keywords. After the photo is perfect, you can copy the settings and paste them to as many similar photos as you want. This is a great way to edit and optimize many images very quickly.

The general process is:

1.Make adjustments to one image.
2.Copy all image settings or selectively copy only some of the settings.
3.Select one or more photos to which you want to apply the settings.
4.Paste the settings to the selected photos.

Copying selective settings lets you filter out settings you don't want to apply, such as crop, GPS, or layer settings. If you selectively copy settings regularly, you can create copy sets, which save the information about which settings you want to copy. For more information, see Copy sets preferences.

To copy all settings

1.In the Thumbnail panel, click the file that has the settings that you want to copy.
2.Click Edit > Copy Image Settings. All settings and layers are copied from the active version.

To copy selective settings

1.In the Thumbnail panel, click the file that has the settings that you want to copy.
2.Click Edit > Copy Selective Image Settings.
3.In the Select Settings dialog box, enable the check boxes for the settings that you want to copy.
4.Click OK to copy the settings.

Note: The Basic page lists the settings. The check boxes beside each setting indicate if the setting is selected or not. Checked groups are those whose settings on the active version differ from the default image settings for that version. When some settings differ from the default settings, the check boxes are partially checked.

Note: You can enable (check) or disable (uncheck) additional groups — only the checked and partially checked settings are copied. To see details about the settings, click the Advanced tab.

To paste settings

1.In the Thumbnail panel, select the thumbnails to which you want to apply the settings.
2.Click Edit > Paste Image Settings.

© 2014 Corel Corporation. Note: The availability of features depends on the version of the software you have.