Add arrowheads to lines and curves

To add an arrowhead

To specify the arrowhead attributes of a line or curve

To edit an arrowhead preset

To create an arrowhead preset from an object

Arrowheads let you enhance the starting points and endpoints of lines and curves. You can specify the attributes of an arrowhead with precision. For example, you can define the exact size of an arrowhead as well as offset or rotate the arrowhead by a precise amount. You can also flip arrowheads vertically and horizontally. You can save your specified attributes as arrowhead presets for later use.

Arrowhead in its original form (1), resized (2), with offset of 6 0% along the x-axis (3), flipped horizontally (4), and rotated at 90 degrees (5).

You can edit existing arrowhead presets, and you can create an arrowhead preset based on an existing one. You can also create an arrowhead preset based on an object such as a curve or a closed shape. When you no longer need an arrowhead preset, you can delete it.

To add an arrowhead Back to Top


You can remove an arrowhead by choosing the No arrowhead preset from the Start arrowhead or End arrowhead picker.

You can also add arrowheads from the Outline pen dialog box or the Outline section of the Properties docker.

To specify the arrowhead attributes of a line or curve Back to Top


In the Size area, type a value in the Length or Width box.
In the Offset area, type values in the X and Y boxes.
In the Mirror area, enable the Horizontally or Vertically check box.
Enable the Save as arrowhead preset check box.
You can access the new arrowhead preset from the Start arrowhead and End arrowhead pickers on the property bar.


You can switch arrowheads from one end of a line or curve to another by clicking the Arrowhead settings button, and clicking Swap.

You can remove an arrowhead from a line or curve by clicking the Arrowhead settings button and clicking None.

To edit an arrowhead preset Back to Top


You can create an arrowhead preset that is based on an existing preset. Click Arrowhead settings button, and click New. Then, specify the attributes you want in the Arrowhead attributes dialog box, and type a preset name in the Save arrowhead area.

To delete an arrowhead preset, select the preset from the Start or End arrowhead picker, click the Arrowhead settings button, and click Delete.

To create an arrowhead preset from an object Back to Top

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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