Align and distribute objects

To align objects

To distribute objects

To align an object with the pixel grid

CorelDRAW lets you precisely align and distribute objects in a drawing. You can align objects with each other and with parts of the drawing page, such as the center, edges, and grid. When you align objects with objects, you can line them up by their centers or by their edges.

You can align multiple objects horizontally or vertically with the center of the drawing page. Single or multiple objects can also be arranged along the edge of the page and to the nearest point on a grid. You can also align objects with a reference point by specifying its exact x and y coordinates.

Distributing objects automatically adds spacing between them based on their width, height, and center points. You can distribute objects so that their center points or selected edges (for example, top or right) appear at equal intervals. You can also distribute objects so that there is equal space between them. You can distribute objects over the extent of the bounding box surrounding them or over the entire drawing page.

Scattered objects (left) are vertically aligned and equally distributed (right).

To prevent blurry edges in objects designed for web use, you can align the objects with the pixel grid. This feature realigns the nodes or edges of the object to position them correctly on the pixel grid.

Align objects with the pixel grid to prevent blurry edges.

To align objects Back to Top


Click the Active objects button .
Click the Page edge button .
Click the Page center button .
To align the center of the object with the page center, make sure that the Align center horizontally button and Align center vertically button in the Align area are enabled.
Click the Grid button .
Click the Specified point button , and type values in the Specify coordinates boxes.
You can also specify a point interactively by clicking the Specify point button, and clicking in the document window.
In the Text area, choose one of the following options:


You can also align objects with another object quickly, without using the Align and Distribute docker, by clicking Object Align and Distribute and clicking any of the first six alignment commands. The letter next to a command name indicates the keyboard shortcut that you can use to align objects. For example, the letter L next to the Align Left command shows that you can press L to align objects with the leftmost point of the object that is used as a reference point.

You can also align all objects with the page center, vertically and horizontally, by pressing P.

To distribute objects Back to Top

Top row: Options for distributing objects horizontally. 1) The Left option evenly spaces the left edges. 2) The Center option evenly spaces the center points. Bottom row: Options for distributing objects vertically. 3) The Top option evenly spaces the top edges. 4) The Center option evenly spaces the center points.

To align an object with the pixel grid Back to Top


The Align with Pixel Grid feature works with basic curves and shapes. It is unavailable for complex objects and effects such as symbols, text, symmetry groups, vector effects, and PowerClip objects.

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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