Checking documents in and out of a document library

To check a document out of a document library

To check a document in to a document library

To undo a document checkout

The checkout process lets you collaborate with others on the same set of documents. It provides a method for controlling and tracking the changes that are made to the documents. You can check out a document if it is not already checked out by someone else. By checking out a document, you can temporarily prevent others from making changes to it.

You can make changes to a document after checking it out. When you are ready for others to view the changes that you made, you can check in your version of the document to the document library. After the document is checked in, your version of the document can be checked out by someone else.

When you check out a document, a copy of the document is saved to your working folder. You can modify this copy of the document and save the changes locally, without sharing them with others. You can also keep working on the copy of the document when you are offline. You can repeatedly close and reopen the copy without affecting the checkout status and then check in the document when you are online again.

Undoing document checkouts

You can undo a checkout at any time. Undoing a checkout lets you discard all changes that you made to the document since you checked it out. If you choose to keep the document open after undoing a checkout, the working copy becomes a read-only version.

To check a document out of a document library Back to Top


When you check out a document, a copy of the document is saved to a working folder on your computer.

To check a document in to a document library Back to Top



If you copy a file to another location and make changes to the file, you will not be able to check in the changes from within CorelDRAW. Instead, you must either check in the file directly in SharePoint or copy the file to the working folder and then check the file in from within CorelDRAW.

The availability of major and minor versions depends on the settings of your organization’s document management system.

To undo a document checkout Back to Top


Undoing a checkout discards all the changes you made to the document. If you want to save a copy of the document that has your changes to a local folder, click File Save As.

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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