Correct perspective distortions

To correct perspective distortions in photos

You can correct perspective distortions in photos that have straight lines and flat surfaces such as architectural photos and photos of buildings.

Perspective distortions usually occur when you take pictures of tall or wide objects, and the camera sensor is at an angle to the objects. As a result, the photographed objects may appear to be leaning or to be at an angle. Adjusting the vertical perspective helps straighten leaning objects; adjusting the horizontal perspective helps with angled objects. Often, you may need to adjust both the vertical and horizontal perspectives for best results.

Correcting perspective distortions

To correct perspective distortions in photos Back to Top


Move the Vertical perspective slider. If the photo object appears to be leaning backwards, move the slider to the left. Tall buildings in photos usually appear to be leaning back when the picture is taken from the ground.
Move the Horizontal perspective slider. If the photo was taken with the camera to the right of the object, move the slider to the left.
Enable the Crop image check box, and then enable the Crop and resample to original size check box.



The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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