Export and upload bitmaps to WordPress

To export and upload a bitmap to WordPress

With CorelDRAW, you can export your projects to bitmap images suitable for WordPress and then upload them to your WordPress account without leaving the application.

You can export your entire project or only selected objects to a JPEG, GIF, or PNG file. After choosing the file format and options you want, you can upload the image to your WordPress account. If you have multiple WordPress sites, you can choose to which site to upload the bitmap. The exported bitmap is added to the media library of the selected site.

When you upload bitmaps to WordPress for the first time, you must authenticate your WordPress account and log in. If you have more than one WordPress account, you can switch accounts at any time.

To export and upload a bitmap to WordPress Back to Top
Click Authenticate your WordPress account.
Click Upload.
Click Log out or switch accounts.


The exported bitmap is saved to a temporary file, which is deleted after you upload the image to WordPress.

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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