Shift, rotate, mirror, and flip text

To shift or rotate a character

To straighten a shifted or rotated character

To return a vertically shifted character to the baseline

To mirror text

To flip text by dragging diagonally

You can shift the characters of artistic and paragraph text vertically or horizontally or rotate them to create interesting effects.You can straighten characters into their original position, and you can return vertically shifted characters to the baseline. You can also mirror or flip artistic and paragraph text characters.

If you want to adjust the position of an entire text object that is fitted to a path, such as a circle or a freehand line, see To adjust the position of text that is fitted to a path.

Rotated characters

To shift or rotate a character Back to Top


You can also use the Shape tool to shift or rotate characters. Select the character node or nodes, and then type values in the Horizontal character offset box, Vertical character offset box, or Character angle box on the property bar.

To straighten a shifted or rotated character Back to Top
To return a vertically shifted character to the baseline Back to Top
To mirror text Back to Top


You can also mirror text by holding down Ctrl and dragging a selection handle to the opposite side of the object.

You can also mirror text fitted to a path. For more information, see To mirror text that is fitted to a path.

Left to right: Text in original form, mirrored vertically, and mirrored horizontally

To flip text by dragging diagonally Back to Top

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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