Spell Check and Grammatik

To check the spelling or grammar in an entire drawing

To check the spelling or grammar in part of a drawing

To check the spelling or grammar of selected text

To edit text manually

To replace a word or phrase

To define automatic text replacements

To skip a spelling or grammar error

By using the spelling checker and Grammatik, you can check the spelling and grammar in an entire drawing, part of a drawing, or only selected text. You can also check the spelling or grammar of dates, time, currency symbols, text or look up a word in a different language.

You can manually edit text and then resume checking the drawing.

The spelling checker and Grammatik replace words or phrases in two ways: you can choose a word, or define an automatic replacement for a word. Defining automatic replacement words is useful for words that are regularly misspelled. Automatic replacement words are stored in a user word-list file. For more information about user word-list files, see Word lists.

You can skip a writing error once but flag subsequent occurrences of the problem, or you can skip the error throughout the entire proofreading session.

To check the spelling or grammar in an entire drawing Back to Top
To check the spelling or grammar in part of a drawing Back to Top


The options available in the Check list box vary according to the type of drawing that you are checking.

To check the spelling or grammar of selected text Back to Top
To edit text manually Back to Top
To replace a word or phrase Back to Top


If the spelling checker does not offer replacement words, you can edit text manually in the Replace with box.

To define automatic text replacements Back to Top
To skip a spelling or grammar error Back to Top


You can also skip all occurrences of a word for all proofreading sessions by adding it to a user word list. For more information about user word-list files, see Word lists.

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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