To import a CorelDRAW file

CorelDRAW (CDR) technical notes

CorelDRAW (CDR) files are primarily vector graphic drawings. Vectors define a picture as a list of graphic primitives (rectangles, lines, text, arcs, and ellipses). Vectors are mapped point by point to the page, so if you reduce or increase the size of a vector graphic, the original image will not be distorted.

Vector graphics are created and edited in graphics design applications, such as CorelDRAW, but you can also edit vector graphics in image-editing applications such as Corel PHOTO-PAINT. You can use vector images of various formats in desktop publishing programs.

To import a CorelDRAW file Back to Top
CorelDRAW (CDR) technical notes Back to Top

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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