By default, drawings are saved to the CorelDRAW file format (CDR) and are compatible with the latest version of the application. You can also save a drawing that is compatible with an earlier version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and specify save options. Such options are useful when the file contains new text, fill, outline, and transparency features that are not supported in earlier versions.
You can save a drawing to other vector file formats as well. If you want to use a drawing in another application, you must save it to a file format that is supported by that application. For information about saving files to other formats, see Export files.
The application makes it easy to tell if a drawing has unsaved changes by adding an asterisk after its filename.The asterisk is added in different locations where the filename appears such as the Windows menu, the title bar, and the document tab.
The asterisk after the filename on the document tab shows that the file LoremIpsum_1.cdr has unsaved changes. The file LoremIpsum_2.cdr has no unsaved changes.
When saving a drawing, you can embed the used fonts to facilitate file sharing. By default, CorelDRAW embeds all used fonts, with the exception of Asian fonts and fonts that do not have embedding permissions. For more information, see Manage fonts.
When you save a drawing, CorelDRAW lets you add reference information so that you can easily find and organize drawings later on. You can attach tags (also known as properties) such as title, subject, and rating.
You can also save selected objects in a drawing. For large drawings, saving only the selected objects reduces the file size, which can decrease the time it takes to load the drawing.
When saving a file, you can use advanced options to control how bitmaps, textures, and vector effects, such as blends and extrusions, are saved with the drawing.
You can also save a drawing as a template, which lets you create other drawings with the same properties. For information about saving a drawing as a template, see Templates.
If you are using an expired trial version of CorelDRAW, you will not be able to save drawings.
Saving a drawing to a previous version of CorelDRAW may result in loss of certain effects that were not available in the previous version of the application.
You can also save a drawing by clicking File Save.
You can also save a drawing by clicking the Save button on the Standard toolbar.
Choosing to save textures, blends, and extrusions with the file increases the file size but lets you open and save a drawing more quickly. Conversely, choosing to rebuild textures, blends, and extrusions when a saved drawing is opened decreases the file size but increases the time required for saving or opening a drawing.
The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.