Search for fonts

You can use keywords to search for local fonts from within the Font list box. These keywords include font names, font technology, and other metadata included in the fonts.

When you start typing a font name or another keyword, a relevant list of fonts is displayed. This list is automatically updated as you type. To refine your search, you can type two or more keywords. For example, to find all available Arial fonts that have bold weight, you can type Arial bold in the Font list box.

To search for fonts by using keywords

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1 Click the Text tool in the toolbox.
2 Open the Font list box on the property bar, and type a keyword such as a font name or font technology.
3 To refine your search, press the space bar after typing the first keyword, and type another keyword.


The following table lists the search keywords that you can use organized by categories.


Document Fonts
Document Fonts
Font Technology
OpenType - TrueType, OpenType - PostScript, TrueType, Type1
Thin, Extra Light, Light, Regular, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra Bold, Black
Ultra Condensed, Extra Condensed, Condensed, Semi Condensed, Normal, Semi Expanded, Expanded, Extra Expanded, Ultra Expanded
Decorative, Display, Monospaced, Sans Serif, Script, Serif, Symbol
Character Range
Arabic, Armenian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Coptic, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Dhivehi, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hiragana, Japanese, Kannada, Katakana, Korean, Latin, Russian, Syria, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese
Ale/Paul, Bitstream, Cultivated/Mind, DynaComware, Font Fabric, Fontlab, Fontographer, ITC, Linotype, Mark Simonson, Monotype, Typodermic, RW++
Embedding rights
Editable, Installable, No Embedding, Preview& Print, Restricted
All Small Capitals, Alternate Annotation Forms, Alternate Half Widths, Alternate Vertical Half Metrics, Alternate Vertical Metrics, Alternative Fractions, Capital Spacing, Case Sensitive Forms Centered CJK Punctuation, Character Variants Contextual Alternates, Contextual Ligatures, Denominators Discretionary Ligatures, Expert Forms, Fractions, Half Widths, Historical Forms, Historical Ligatures, Hojo Kanji Forms, Horizontal Kana Alternates, JIS2004 Forms, JIS78 Forms, JIS83 Forms, JIS90 Forms, Kerning, Lining Figures, Localized Forms, NLC Kanji, Numerators, Ordinals, Ornaments, Proportional Kana, Proportional Lining, Proportional Oldstyle, Proportional Widths, Quarter Widths, Scientific Inferiors, Simplified Forms, Slashed ZeroSmall Capitals, Small Capitals from Capitals, Standard Ligatures, Stylistic Alternates, Stylistic Sets, Subscript, Superscript, Swash Variants, Tabular, Tabular Oldstyle, Third Widths, Titling, Traditional Forms, Traditional Name Forms, Vertical Alternates and Rotation

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