Manage and apply default object properties
The default object properties in CorelDRAW control the appearance of text and graphic objects in the active document. For example, when you install CorelDRAW for the first time, each new graphic object has a black outline and no fill by default.
Using the Object Styles inspector or the Change Document Defaults dialog box, you can modify the default properties of the following types of objects:
Artistic Media — brushstrokes created with the Artistic Media tool
Artistic Text — single words or short lines of text that are entered without text frames
Callout — callout lines and text
Dimension — dimension lines and text
Graphic — lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, common shapes as well as grids drawn with the Graph Paper tool
Paragraph Text —
block text inserted in text frames
QR Code — barcode objects that represent information in two dimensions

The Change Document Defaults dialog box comes up each time you choose a control that lets you change fill, outline, or text properties when there are no objects selected in the drawing window. If you don’t want to change any default object properties, click Cancel.
When you modify the defaults, CorelDRAW automatically saves these changes to the current document. If you want to use the custom settings in subsequent documents that you create, you can set them as the new document defaults.
You can specify which object styles, style sets, color styles, or default object properties in the active drawing are set as the new document defaults.
You can apply the default object properties to edited or imported objects.
To edit default object properties
Object Styles.
In the
Object Styles inspector, open the
Default Object Properties folder, and choose one of the following object types:
Modify the attributes you want in the
Object Styles inspector.
Any changes you make are applied to all new objects in the active document and are automatically saved with the document.
Undo changes by reverting selected default properties to the default factory settings for new documents
• Click the Revert to new document default button  next to the object type.
• Control-click the object type, and choose Revert to new document default.
Undo changes to the default object properties for all object types by reverting to the default factory settings for new documents
• Click the Revert all to new document default button  next to the Default Object Properties folder.
• Control-click the Default Object Properties folder, and click Revert all to new document default.
Set selected object properties as the default settings for new documents
• Click the Set as new document default button  next to the object type.
• Control-click the object type, and click Set as new document default.

You can also edit the default object properties by deselecting all objects in the document window, clicking a color or a color style on a palette, or choosing a control that lets you change fill, outline, or text properties, and then enabling the respective check boxes in the Change Document Defaults dialog box.
You can also modify the default object properties while editing any object in the document window. Control-click the Default Object Properties folder in the Object Styles inspector, and choose Update Default Properties When Editing Objects. Any change you make to an object becomes the default setting for new objects.
To set the current style settings as the new document defaults
Object Styles.
In the
Object Styles inspector, click the
Import, export, or save defaults button

, and click
Set as New Document Defaults.
Enable the check boxes for the settings that you’d like to save as the default settings for new documents.

You can also save settings as the default settings for new documents by using the Options dialog box. For more information, see Save and restore defaults.
To apply the default object properties to an edited or imported object
Using the
Pick tool

, select an object.
Object Styles.
In the
Object Styles inspector, open the
Default Object Properties folder, and double-click the relevant object type from the following list: