Add halos to lines and outlines

To add a halo to a line or an outline

You can add a halo behind a line or the outline of a closed shape. A halo is a mask behind the line or outline that makes it easier to see when it is on top of another object.

Left to right: Halos applied to callouts and the outline of a circle.

Usually, the halo is the same color as the page, although you can choose any color you like. In addition, you can lock the width ratio between the halo and the line or outline. As you change the line or outline width, the width of the halo is adjusted automatically, and vice versa.

Left to right: Original; the halo is not scaled with the outline; the halo is scaled with the outline.

To add a halo to a line or an outline Back to Top


To remove a halo, select the line or outline, click the Halo properties button, and disable the Halo Options check box.

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