In the Options area, enable the Include preview images check box.
If you enable the Simulate complex filled curves check box, an object that is composed of complex curves, such as a text object that was converted to curves, may be broken into several objects on export to help minimize the complexity of the object.
If you disable the Include placed images check box and export the file, the exporting process generates one Adobe Illustrator file and a series of EPS files. The EPS files contain individual objects and images which are linked to the AI file. Always store the EPS files with the AI file to preserve the link to the AI file.
If you create a file that will be printed in other programs, such as Adobe PageMaker, export it using the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) filter, not the Adobe Illustrator (AI) filter. The Encapsulated PostScript filter supports more drawing effects than the Adobe Illustrator filter does and yields better results overall.
Most linear and radial fountain fills are preserved. Conical and square fountain fills are exported as a series of filled bands, an effect similar to that achieved by blending. You can set the number of bands by clicking Tools OptionsCorel DESIGNER. Click Display, and type a number in the Previewfountain steps box. The maximum number of bands supported is 256.