You can change the stacking order of objects on a layer by sending objects to the front or back, or behind or in front of other objects. You can also position objects precisely in the stacking order, as well as reverse the stacking order of multiple objects.
Click ObjectOrder, and click one of the following:
To frontof page — moves the selected object in front of all other objects on the page
To back of page — moves the selected object behind all other objects on the page
To front of layer — moves the selected object in front of all other objects on the active layer
To back of layer — moves the selected object behind all other objects on the active layer
Forward one — moves the selected object forward one position. If the selected object is in front of all other objects on the active layer, it is moved to the layer above.
Back one — moves the selected object behind one position. If the selected object is behind all other objects on the selected layer, it is moved to the layer below.
In front of — moves the selected object in front of the object that you click in the drawing window
Behind — moves the selected object behind the object that you click in the drawing window
An Order command is unavailable if the selected object is already positioned in the specified stacking order. For example, the To front of page command is unavailable if the object is already in front of all the other objects on the page.