Create bulleted and numbered lists

To create a bulleted or numbered list

To customize a bulleted or numbered list

To save a list as a paragraph style

To remove bulleted-list or numbered-list formatting

You can use bulleted and numbered lists to format paragraph text, and you can create lists inside lists (multilevel lists).

Three paragraphs were converted into a bulleted list (left) and a numbered list (right).

In addition, you can customize lists, and you can customize one or more levels in multilevel lists. Corel DESIGNER lets you edit bullets and numbers by changing their size, position, and distance from the text and text frame. By default, the first level in lists inherits the font properties of the paragraph text. However, you can change the font of bullets and numbers, and you can choose from a wide array of glyphs to use as bullets. To customize the number formatting, you can choose from numerous preset styles, and you can specify a suffix and a prefix for the numbers.

A customized bulleted list (left) and numbered list (right)

To reuse custom lists, you can save them as a paragraph style. You can remove the bulleted-list and numbered-list formatting at any time.

You can also change the spacing between items in a list. For more information, see To adjust interline spacing.

To create a bulleted or numbered list Back to Top


To indent a list item, click the item with the Text tool , and click the Increase indent button on the property bar.

A multilevel numbered list

Select the bullet or number with the Text tool , and click a color on the color palette.


You can also start a bulleted or numbered list from scratch by creating a paragraph text frame and clicking the Bulleted list or Numbered list button on the property bar.

To customize a bulleted or numbered list Back to Top


Disable the Use paragraph font check box, and choose a font from the Font list box.
Open the Glyph picker, and click a glyph.
To add a character before the number, type a prefix in the Prefix box. To add a character after the number, type a prefix in the Suffix box.

Examples of number styles. A prefix and a suffix were added to the numbers of the third list.

Note: This control is not available when the Use paragraph font check box is enabled. In this case, the bullet or number matches the font and size of the paragraph text.
Specify a value in the Baseline shift box.

Baseline shift values in points from left to right: 0, -3, 3

Specify a value in the Glyph to list text box.

Changing the distance between the bullets and the list text

Enable the Align lines in a list item check box.

Left: The Align lines in a list item check box is enabled. Right: The same check box is disabled.

Specify a value in the Text frame to list box, which is located in the upper-right corner of the dialog box.
Make sure the Preview check box is enabled.
Enable the Bullets or Numbers option.


Bullets or numbers are inserted at the beginning of each new line that is preceded by a return.


You can also create a custom list from paragraph text that has not been formatted as a list yet. Select the paragraph text, enable the List check box in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, and then enable the Bullets or Numbers option. Perform any of the steps from the preceding table.

You can adjust the spacing in between bullets by increasing or decreasing the space before and after a paragraph. For more information, see To adjust the spacing between paragraphs.

To save a list as a paragraph style Back to Top
To remove bulleted-list or numbered-list formatting Back to Top

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