To hyphenate paragraph text automatically |
1 . | Using the Text tool |
If the Properties docker is not open, click Window ![]() |
2 . | In the Properties docker, click the Paragraph button |
3 . | In the Paragraph area of the Properties docker, click the Options button |
4 . | In the Hyphenation dialog box, enable the Automatically hyphenate paragraph text check box. |
5 . | To modify the hyphenation settings, perform one or more tasks from the following table. |
Enable the Break capitalized words check box.
Enable the Break words using ALL CAPS check box.
In the Hyphenation criteria area, type a value in the Minimum word length box.
In the Hyphenation criteria area, type a value in the Minimum characters before box.
In the Hyphenation criteria area, type a value in the Minimum characters after box.
In the Hyphenation criteria area, type a value in the Distance from right margin box. This value represents the number of characters in the hot zone. A word that does not fit within this zone is hyphenated or moved to the next line.
Hyphenation can be used for any languages that have corresponding writing tools installed with the application. For more information about language modules, see Work with languages.
To insert an optional hyphen |
1 . | Using the Text tool |
2 . | Click Text ![]() ![]() |
You can insert an optional hyphen by pressing Ctrl + -.
To create a custom definition for optional hyphenation |
1 . | Click Text ![]() ![]() |
2 . | In the Word box, type the word for which you want to create the hyphenation definition. |
When you type in the Word box, the same text is entered in the Hyphenated word box. |
3 . | In the Hyphenated Word box, click where you want the optional hyphen inserted, and press the Hyphen key (-). |
4 . | Click Add Definition. |
Enable the Show all languages check box, and choose a language option from the Language list box.
Enable the When typing check box.
Enable the When pasting and importing text check box.
Click Remove Definition.
The custom hyphenation definition is defined only for the language specified in the Language list box. You can choose another language without affecting your keyboard.
You can create a custom optional hyphen definition by selecting a word in the document. The word appears in the Word box of the Custom optional hyphens dialog box. After you insert the optional hyphen in the Hyphenated word box, you can apply it by clicking Apply to Selection.
You can find and replace optional hyphens. For more information, see To find text and To find and replace text.