Rotate objects

To rotate an object

You can rotate an object in a drawing by specifying an angle of rotation. You can also specify a point on the drawing around which to rotate, or rotate around a point on the selected object.

To rotate an object Back to Top


Click the Relative to object button on the Transform toolbar.
To open the Transform toolbar, click View Toolbars Transform.
Click Object Transform Rotate.
In the Transform docker, click the Rotation angle button next to the Angle of rotation box, and drag in the drawing window.
In the Transform docker, click the Specify point button next to the X and Y boxes, and click a point on the drawing.
In the Center area of the Transform docker, enable the Relative center check box, and click the point on the origin locator that corresponds to the center of rotation that you want to set.
In the Transform docker, enable the Rotate orientation option .
In the Transform docker, enable the Retain orientation option .
In the Transform docker, type a number in the Copies box.


You can also rotate a selected object by dragging a rotation handle clockwise or counterclockwise.

You can also rotate an object by typing a value in the Angle of rotation box on the Transform toolbar. To display the Transform toolbar, click View Toolbars Transform.

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