Size and scale objects

To specify the size of an object

To size an object interactively

To scale an object

Corel DESIGNER lets you size and scale objects. In both cases, you can change the dimensions of an object proportionally by preserving its aspect ratio. You can size an object by specifying values or changing the object interactively. Scaling changes an object’s dimensions by a specified percentage.

Objects are sized or scaled from the object’s origin. You can change an object’s origin from its center to any one of its eight selection handles.

You can also specify a rectangular area for selected objects to scale into.

To specify the size of an object Back to Top


Click the Relative to object button on the Transform toolbar.
Clicking Object Transform Size, and type values in the W and H boxes to set the width and height of the object.
You can also set the width or height of the object interactively by clicking the Set dimensions interactively button next to the W or H box and dragging in the drawing window.
In the Transform docker, enable the Proportional check box.
In the Transform docker, click the point on the origin locator that corresponds to the point on the object from which you want to size the object.
In the Transform docker, type a number in the Copies box.
To size an object interactively Back to Top


Hold down Shift, and drag one of the selection handles.
Hold down Ctrl, and drag one of the selection handles.
Hold down Alt, and drag one of the selection handles.


You can set a precise size for the object by clicking the Geometric properties button on the property bar and typing values in the Properties docker.

To scale an object Back to Top


Click the Relative to object button on the Transform toolbar.
To open the Transform toolbar, click View Toolbars Transform.
Click Object Transform Scale and mirror, and type values in the X and Y boxes to scale the object horizontally or vertically.
In the Transform docker, enable the Fit to box option. Click Apply, and drag in the drawing window to specify the rectangular area.
In the Transform docker, enable the Proportional check box.
In the Transform docker, click the point on the origin locator that corresponds to the point on the object from which you want to scale the object.
In the Transform docker, type a number in the Copies box.


You can also scale an object by dragging a selection handle.

You can also scale an object by typing values in the Scale factor boxes on the Transform toolbar. To display the Transform toolbar, click View Toolbars Transform.

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