Symbol collections and libraries

To add a collection or library to a drawing

To delete a collection or library

Most of the symbols you need have already been created and are stored in library files that are grouped into collections.

The Symbols docker always displays libraries and collections that are in your local Symbols folder. You can add collections and libraries to your Symbols folder from elsewhere on the network. The symbols that are used within the document appear under the document filename in the Symbols docker.

You can add libraries and collections (groups of library files) to your drawing. You can also delete libraries and collections.

To add a collection or library to a drawing Back to Top


By default, library files are referenced from their original location. If you want to copy a library to your Symbols folder, enable the Copy libraries locally check box.

If you are adding a collection, you can enable the Recursive check box to include subfolders.

To delete a collection or library Back to Top


The collection or library is removed from the tree in the Symbols docker but files are not deleted.

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