Quick links to procedures on this page:
You can draw a boundary around the outer or inner edges of complex shapes to create a new closed curve object with the current properties (line weight, fill color, and so on).
During this process, if you specify a point outside the selected objects, an outline is wrapped around the outside edge. If you specify a point on the inside of selected objects, an outline is drawn around the inner edges. If the objects do not overlap, each object is outlined separately. Error messages appear if you click directly on a line or if there is not sufficient space to create the boundary.
Boundaries cannot be drawn around text, bitmaps, or open lines. However, you can set a gap tolerance for open lines. Endpoints within the specified gap tolerance are temporarily repositioned to close the gap between objects and allow a boundary to be created.
2 . |
Click Object Shaping Boundary. |
3 . |
Click Indicate target. |
If you want to delete the original objects, enable Delete selected object.
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