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Using line-breaking rules for Asian text

Corel DESIGNER includes line-breaking rules for use with Asian text when you have an Asian operating system. For most Asian languages, a line of text can break between any two characters, with a few exceptions. Some characters cannot appear at the beginning of a line. These characters are referred to as "leading characters." Other characters — referred to as "following characters" — cannot appear at the end of a line. The line breaks either after the following character or before the character that precedes the following character. Still others — referred to as "overflow characters" — are not wrapped but are, instead, allowed to extend beyond the right or bottom margin.

To enforce one or more of the line-breaking rules, you can enable any of the rules. To customize the rules, you can add or remove characters. You can also reset the rules to the default.

To disable or enable line-breaking rules Back to Top


You must have Asian text support installed on your operating system to view the Line-breaking rules menu item.

To add or remove characters to a line-breaking rule Back to Top


You must have Asian text support installed on your operating system to view the Line-breaking rules menu item.

To reset a line-breaking rule to the default Back to Top


You must have Asian text support installed on your operating system to view the Line-breaking rules menu item.

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