To import an HPGL Plotter file |
1 . | Click File Import. |
The File Import command lets you place the file as an object in the active image. If you want to open a PLT file as an image, click File Open. |
2 . | Locate the folder in which the file is stored. |
3 . | Choose PLT - HPGL Plotter File (*.plt; *.hgl) from the list box next to the File name box. |
4 . | Click the filename. |
5 . | Click Import. |
6 . | In the HPGL options dialog box, adjust any of the settings. |
7 . | Click OK. |
HPGL Plotter (PLT) technical notes |
• | Corel programs support versions 1 and 2 of PLT file formats although some features of version 2 are not supported. |
• | You can import images larger than the Corel program’s maximum page size by enabling the Scale option in the HPGL options dialog box, which lets you resize the imported image. |
• | The Pen selection list contains 256 pens, although not all of the pens may be assigned. You can change the color assignments by choosing the pen and then choosing a new color for that pen from the Pen color list box. Choosing Custom colors brings up a color definition dialog box that allows you to define a custom color according to RGB values. |
• | You can change the pen width assignments by choosing the pen and then choosing a new width for that pen from the Pen width list box. |
• | You can set a defined pen to the Unused option. You can also reset the current Pen Library pen settings to the previously saved settings. |
• | Corel programs support numerous dotted, dashed, and solid line types of the PLT file format. The pattern number of a line in a PLT file is translated to a line type pattern. |
• | If the PLT file contains a font that is not on the user’s computer, the PANOSE font matching dialog box lets the user replace the font with an available one. |
The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.