Assign color profiles

When you open or import a document that is missing a color profile, by default the application automatically assigns a color profile to the document. If the document has a color profile that is not suitable for the required destination, you can assign a different color profile to the document. For example, if the document is intended to be displayed on the web or to be printed on a desktop printer, you should make sure that sRGB is the document RGB profile. If the document is destined for print production, the Adobe RGB (1998) profile is a better choice, because it has a larger gamut and produces good results when RGB colors are converted to a CMYK color space.

When you assign a different color profile to a document, the colors may appear different, although the color values do not change.

Left: The SWOP 2006_Coated3v2.icc color profile is assigned to the active document. Right: When the Japan Color 2002 Newspaper color profile is assigned to the document, the colors appear much less saturated.

To assign a color profile to a document

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1 Click Tools Color Management.
2 Click the Document tab.
3 Enable the Assign new (preserves color values) option.
4 Choose a color profile from the RGB, CMYK, or Grayscale list box.
The label of the list box and the list of available color profiles depend on the color mode of the active document. For example, only the RGB list box is available for RGB images.

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The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.