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Adding twirl effects

You can create twirls from image areas. To customize the twirl effects, you can change the size of the brush nib, the speed at which the effect is applied, and the twirl direction. You can also use the pressure of your digital pen to change the intensity of the twirl effect.

Twirl effects with different nib size values and direction

To add a twirl effect Back to Top


Type a value in the Nib size box on the property bar.
To change the size of the brush nib, you can also drag in the image window while holding down Shift. Drag towards the nib’s center to decrease the radius, or away from the nib’s center to increase it.
in the Rate box on the property bar.
Click the Counterclockwise twirl button or the Clockwise twirl button on the property bar.
Click the Pen pressure button on the property bar.

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