Quick links to procedures on this page:

Aligning and distributing objects

You can align an object to image elements, or distribute objects throughout an image.

Aligning objects

Objects can be aligned to each other, to the center of the image, to the edge of the image, or to the grid and guidelines. For information about aligning objects to the grid and guidelines, see Using the guidelines, grid, and rulers.

You can also align objects interactively by using alignment guides. For more information, see Using alignment guides.

Distributing objects

You can distribute objects by spacing them equal distances apart. Objects can be distributed vertically, horizontally, or both. Distribution is based on the distance between the centers of selected objects, or on the space between the adjacent edges of the objects.

To align objects Back to Top

Click the Active objects button .
Click the Document edge button .
Click the Document center button .
Click the Grid button .
To distribute objects Back to Top


To distribute objects, you must have more that one object selected.

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