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Dockers display the same types of controls as a dialog box, such as command buttons, options, and list boxes. Unlike most dialog boxes, you can keep dockers open while working on a document, so you can readily access the commands to experiment with different effects. Dockers have features similar to palettes in other graphics programs.

Dockers can be either docked or floating. A docked docker is attached to the edge of the application window, a toolbar, or a palette. A floating docker is not attached to a workspace element. If you open several dockers, they usually appear nested, with only one docker fully displayed. You can quickly display a docker hidden from view by clicking the docker’s tab.

You can move dockers, and you can collapse dockers to save screen space.

An example of a docker is the Object manager docker. The Object manager docker displays thumbnails of the image background and each object layer, as well as command buttons and options related to objects.

To open or close a docker Back to Top


To open or close dockers, you can also click the Quick customize button on the right side of a docker, and enable or disable the corresponding check boxes.

You can also close a docker by clicking the X button on its title bar. Clicking the X button on the title bar closes all nested dockers in a group. To close only a specific docker, click the X button on the docker’s tab.

To move dockers Back to Top


To dock a floating docker Back to Top
To collapse a docker Back to Top


To expand a collapsed docker, click its tab.

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