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Kerning, shifting, and rotating text

You can kern text, which lets you adjust the space between individual characters within a range of selected text. Kerning refers to the repositioning of two characters to balance the optical space between them. For example, kerning is often used to decrease the space in character pairs such as AW, WA, VA, or TA. Such character pairs are known as "kerning pairs." Kerning increases readability and makes letters appear balanced and proportional, especially at larger font sizes.

You can modify the appearance of text by shifting the characters vertically or horizontally, which changes the position of the selected characters relative to the surrounding characters. You can also rotate characters by specifying an angle of rotation.

To kern text Back to Top
To shift characters Back to Top


Type a value in the Horizontal character offset box.
Type a value in the Vertical character offset box.


Positive horizontal values move the characters to the right; negative horizontal values move them to the left. Positive vertical values move the characters up; negative vertical values move the characters down.

To rotate text Back to Top

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