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Viewing image information

You can view image properties, such as name, file format, and file size. If an image is loaded from a digital camera, you can also view EXIF information about the image, such as the date and time the photo was taken, the exposure, and flash settings.

You can view information about image areas, such as pointer coordinates, as you work. You can view the changes in the x-coordinate (X) or the y-coordinate (Y) as you move the pointer in the image window. You can also make note of the angle (A) and distance (D) that the pointer moves in the image window as you draw a shape or define an editable area. In addition, you can obtain statistics related to the x- and y-coordinates of the center position (C) and the radius (R) when you create or select a circular editable area or shape.

You can also view color information for an image area that corresponds to the pointer position. By default, the RGB, Hex, and CMYK values are displayed. You can choose to display color information in two color models at once. For example, you can view both the grayscale and RGB values of a particular image area. For information about color modes and color models, see Changing color modes and Working with color.

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To view information about image areas Back to Top



By default, the Image info palette lists the RGB, Hex, and CMYK values from top to bottom.


You can also view color mode information by clicking the Eyedropper tool and pointing to an image area.

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