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Removing red-eye

You can remove the red-eye effect from the eyes of subjects in photos. Red-eye occurs when light from a flash reflects off the back of a person’s eye.

You can remove red-eye from photos.

To remove red-eye Back to Top


Hold down Alt, and click in the image window without releasing the mouse button to display a transparency slider.
Hold down Ctrl + Alt, and click in the image window without releasing the mouse button to display a feathering slider.
Click the Pen pressure button on the property bar.


The default Tolerance value corrects red-eye in most photos; however, if it is difficult to isolate the eye area, and a subject has red tones in their face, you may want to decrease the Tolerance value to differentiate the red in the eye from the skin tone.

You can use the Red-eye removal tool on images in the Paletted, Lab, RGB, and CMYK color modes.


You can quickly zoom to the eye area by clicking the Zoom tool in the toolbox, and dragging in the image window to enclose the eye area in the zooming rectangle.

You can adjust the brush size interactively by holding down Shift while dragging in the image window.

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