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Scaling images by using Smart Carver

Smart Carver lets you make an image narrower, wider, shorter, or longer without distorting the content. By automatically detecting and removing image areas that have little structural detail, or by inserting background pixels, this feature lets you change the aspect ratio without noticeably changing the image. You can also specify which image areas are to be preserved or removed, regardless of their level of detail.

Smart Carver lets you selectively remove or protect areas when you scale an image.

You can also scale an image by using the Resample feature. For more information, see Changing image dimensions, resolution, and paper size.

To scale an image by using Smart Carver Back to Top


Click the Contract the image horizontally button until the image is the desired width.
Click the Contract the image vertically button until the image is the desired height.
Click the Expand the image horizontally button until the image is the desired width.
Click the Expand the image vertically button until the image is the desired height.


You can also save the current settings in the Smart carver dialog box by clicking the Save preset button , and specifying a name in the Setting name box.

To remove an area as you scale an image Back to Top


Click the Preserve button , and paint over the image area that you want to protect. A green overlay appears over the selected area.
Click the Eraser button , and drag over those parts of the selection overlay that you want to delete.
Enable the Hide mask check box.
Click Reset.
Click the Undo button .
Click the Redo button .
Click the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons, and click in the preview window.
Click the Pan button , and drag in the preview window.
Click the Zoom to 100% button .
Click the Zoom to fit button .

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