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Sharpening images

You can sharpen images to increase contrast, enhance image edges, or reduce shading. To sharpen an image, or an editable area of an image, you can use filters or brushstrokes. Filters can also be applied using a lens. For more information about lenses, see Working with lenses. Sharpening is usually done after adjusting the color and tone of an image and after resampling or resizing.

You can reveal more image detail by sharpening an image.

To sharpen an image by applying a filter Back to Top


Click Effects Sharpen High pass. The High pass filter removes image detail and shading to give an image a glowing quality by emphasizing its highlights and luminous areas. However, it can also affect the color and tone of the image.


The Unsharp mask filter provides best results for most photographs.

Most sharpen filters support all color modes except 48-bit RGB, 16-bit grayscale, paletted, and black-and-white. The Sharpen filter supports all color modes except paletted and black-and-white.


You can access each of the sharpen filters individually by clicking Effects Sharpen, and clicking a filter.

You can use this procedure to sharpen an editable area of an image.

To sharpen selected areas by applying brushstrokes Back to Top


You can quickly choose a square or round brush shape by clicking the Round nib button or the Square nib button on the property bar.

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