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Applying uniform fills

Uniform fills are the simplest fill type. They are solid colors that you can apply to images. Uniform fills can be applied to the background or to selected objects.

To apply a uniform fill Back to Top


Type a value in the Transparency box on the property bar. Higher values increase the transparency.
Type a value in the Tolerance box on the property bar. A value of 100 fills the entire object or area.
Choose a merge mode from the Mode list box on the property bar.


You can choose the colors for a uniform fill from an image, or by accessing color models, mixers, or fixed or custom palettes. For information about choosing colors, see Working with color.

Merge modes control the way the foreground or fill color blends with the base color of the image. You can change the merge mode setting from the default (Normal) for specific blending purposes. For more information about merge modes, see Understanding merge modes.


You can also select a fill color by right-clicking a color on the color palette.

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