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Drawing shapes and lines

You can add shapes, such as squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses, and polygons, to images. You can also add rectangles and squares that have rounded, scalloped, or chamfered corners. By default, shapes are added to images as new objects. Shapes can be outlined, filled, or rendered as separate, editable objects. For more information about objects, see Creating objects.

You can also add lines to images. When you add lines, you can specify the width and transparency, as well as the way line segments join together. The current foreground color determines the color of a line.

To draw a rectangle or square Back to Top


Click the No fill button on the property bar.
Type a value in the Outline box on the property bar to specify the outline width in pixels.
Click the Outline color button on the property bar.
Type a value in the Transparency box in the property bar.


The current fill is displayed in the color control area of the toolbox. For information about fills, see Filling images.


You can use this procedure to create an object by clicking the New object button on the property bar after you click the Rectangle tool.

To draw a rectangle or square with round, scalloped, or chamfered corners Back to Top
To draw an ellipse or circle Back to Top


Click the No fill button on the property bar.
Type a value in the Outline box on the property bar to specify the outline width in pixels.
Click the Outline color button on the property bar.
Type a value in the Transparency box in the property bar.


The current fill is displayed in the color control area of the toolbox. For information about fills, see Filling images.


You can draw a circle with the Ellipse tool by holding down Ctrl as you drag.

You can use this procedure to create an object by clicking the New object button on the property bar after you click the Rectangle or Ellipse tool.

To draw a polygon Back to Top


Click the No fill button on the property bar.
Type a value in the Outline box on the property bar to specify the outline width in pixels.
Click the Outline color button on the property bar.
Choose a join type from the Shape joints list box on the property bar.
Type a value in the Transparency box on the property bar.


You can create 45-degree angles by holding down Ctrl while dragging the Polygon tool .

You can use this procedure to create an object by clicking the New object button on the property bar after you click the Polygon tool.

To draw a line Back to Top


Type a value in the Transparency box on the property bar.


You can use this procedure to create an object by clicking the New object button on the property bar after you click the Line tool .

You can specify how lines join: Butted corners, Beveled corners, Rounded corners, or Mitered corners.

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