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Managing alpha channels

You can specify which alpha channels display and how they display. For example, you can display an alpha channel alone in the image window, or in combination with other alpha or color channels. If you display one alpha channel, it is represented as a grayscale image. If you display an alpha channel with one or more color channels, the protected areas in the alpha channel are covered by a tinted mask overlay with varying degrees of opacity. You can see the mask overlay only when you display the alpha channel with a color channel.

You can also delete alpha channels you no longer need to reduce the file size of the image. You can modify an alpha channel's properties. For example, you can change the name, the color and opacity of the mask overlay, and whether the mask overlay covers the protected areas or the editable areas of the mask.

To display an alpha channel Back to Top


If you want to change the order of an alpha channel in the list, drag it to a new position.

To delete an alpha channel Back to Top
To change the properties of an alpha channel Back to Top

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