Guidelines are vertical or horizontal lines that you can add anywhere in the image window to help you measure, align, and position image components. The guidelines use the same units of measure as the rulers. When you save an image in the Corel PHOTO-PAINT application, the guidelines are saved too.
You can have objects and editable areas snap to guidelines, so that when you move an object or editable area to a guideline, the object or editable area automatically aligns to that guideline. You can set the sensitivity of this feature so that the object or editable area snaps when you move within a specific number of pixels of a guideline.
To display or hide the guidelines |
• | Click View Show guidelines. |
A check mark beside the menu command indicates that the guidelines are displayed. |
You can also display or hide the guidelines by clicking Window Dockers Guidelines and clicking the Show guidelines button .
To add a horizontal or vertical guideline |
1 . | Click Window Dockers Guidelines. |
2 . | Choose one of the following options from the Guideline type list box: |
• | Horizontal |
• | Vertical |
3 . | Specify the location of the guideline in the x or y box. |
4 . | Click Add. |
You can also add a guideline by dragging from the horizontal or vertical ruler to the image window.
To add an angled guideline |
1 . | Click Window Dockers Guidelines. |
2 . | Choose Angled from the Guideline type list box |
3 . | Specify the location of the guideline in the x and y boxes. |
4 . | Type a value in Angle of rotation box. |
5 . | Click Add. |
To remove a guideline |
1 . | Click Window Dockers Guidelines. |
2 . | Choose a guideline from the list. |
You can choose multiple guidelines by holding down Ctrl as you click. |
3 . | Click the Delete guideline button . |
You can also remove individual guidelines by dragging them off the image window.
To move a guideline |
1 . | In the toolbox, click the Object pick tool . |
2 . | Drag a guideline to a new position in the image window. |
You can also move a guideline by nudging it.
To move a guideline by specifying x and y coordinates, click Window Dockers Guidelines. Select the guideline, type values in the x and y boxes, and click Modify.
To rotate a guideline |
1 . | In the toolbox, click the Pick tool . |
2 . | Perform a task from the following table. |
You can also rotate a guideline by choosing Angled from the Guideline type list box, typing a value in the Angle of rotation box, and clicking Modify.
Hold down Shift, select the guidelines, click a selected guideline again, and rotate the guidelines when the rotation handles appear.
Click the guideline twice to display the rotation handles, and type a value in the Angle of rotation box on the property bar.
Click the guideline twice to display the rotation handles, hold down Ctrl, and rotate the guideline.
Drag the guideline’s center of rotation to a new location or type a value in the Center of rotation box on the property bar.
To lock or unlock the guidelines |
• | Click View Lock guidelines. |
A check mark displays beside the menu command to indicate the guideline is locked. |
You can also lock a guideline by clicking Window Dockers Guidelines and clicking the Lock guideline button .
To have objects and editable areas snap to the guidelines |
• | Click View Snap to Guidelines. |
You can also set objects and editable areas to snap to a guideline by clicking Window Dockers Guidelines and clicking the Snap to guideline button .
To set the snap sensitivity of the guidelines |
1 . | Click Tools Options. |
2 . | In the Workspace list of categories, click Display. |
3 . | Type a value in the Guideline snap tolerance (pixels) box. |
To set the line style and color of a guideline |
1 . | Click Window Dockers Guidelines. |
2 . | Open the Guideline color picker, and choose a color. |
3 . | Open the Guideline style picker, and choose a line style. |
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