Applying Image effects

You can apply an Image effect to your image. This group of effects lets you offset an image, curl the corners of an image, or tile an image.

Offset Back to Top

Edit workspace 

The Offset effect shifts the image on the canvas so that pixels are wrapped around to the opposite edge as they move off the canvas. You can access the Offset dialog box by choosing Effects Image Effects Offset.

The Offset dialog box has the following controls:

Page Curl Back to Top

Edit workspace 

The Page Curl effect makes the image appear as though a corner of it has been rolled up. You can access the Page Curl dialog box by choosing Effects Image Effects Page Curl.

The Page Curl dialog box contains the following controls:

Seamless Tiling Back to Top

Edit workspace 

The Seamless Tiling effect helps you convert a selection into a seamless custom pattern, which you can use for painting, adding text, or creating Web page backgrounds. You can access the Seamless Tiling dialog box by choosing Effects Image Effects Seamless Tiling.

The Seamless Tiling dialog box contains the following controls:

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