Connecting with image scanners

Your scanning software may allow you to choose an application for scanning images. Many TWAIN, WIA, and USB scanners are compatible with Corel PaintShop Pro.

32-bit and 64-bit scanner compatibility

WIA (Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition) is supported by both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Corel PaintShop Pro.

TWAIN is supported by both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Corel PaintShop Pro. However, to work with the 64-bit version of Corel PaintShop Pro, your scanner must support 64-bit applications (in some cases, scanner drivers install to the 64-bit version of Windows, but do not support interaction with 64-bit applications). How can you tell? After you install the 64-bit scanner driver from the manufacturer, a file appears in the following location: Windows/twain_64. If you do not see the twain_64 folder and a file within the folder, then the driver does not support 64-bit applications. For more information, please refer to the scanner manufacturer’s website.

To get images from a scanner Back to Top

Edit workspace 


After scanning multiple photos at the same time, you can quickly create individual image files by using the Crop as New Image feature. For more information, see To create a new image by cropping.

After cropping an image, you might notice that the Width and Height values on the Tool Options palette are each set at 0.100. These settings do not reflect the cropped image size. To see the image size dimensions after cropping, choose Image Image Information.

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