Removing red-eye

Red-eye in photos is a common problem. When light from the camera’s flash reflects off the retina of a photo subject, a red-eye effect is captured in the photo. Corel PaintShop Pro has two methods of removing red‑eye from a color photo.

The fastest method of removal is to use the Red Eye tool. A more powerful method is to use the advanced Red Eye Removal command, which lets you change the eye color.

The Red Eye tool replaces the red color in the subject’s pupil with a dark gray color, restoring a natural look.

To remove red-eye quickly Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can zoom in on the photo, if necessary, for better control of the Red Eye tool.

You can size the pointer interactively by holding down Alt while dragging the Red Eye tool over the eye area.

To use advanced options for red-eye removal Back to Top

Edit workspace 


Mark the Center glint check box.
Click Delete Eye.


The Refine slider helps you correct red-eye when the eye is partially obscured in the original photo. For example, if the eyelid covers part of the eye in the original photo, it should also cover that part of the eye in the corrected photo. Dragging the slider to the left reduces the correction and minimizes its overlap with the surrounding skin.

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