Setting Manage workspace preferences

You can set controls for how image thumbnails appear in the Manage workspace, and you can specify formats and folders to exclude from viewing within the Manage workspace.

To set Manage workspace preferences Back to Top

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Manage workspace 


In the Thumbnail images group box, mark the Show ratings with thumbnail images check box.
In the Thumbnail images group box, mark the Show file name with thumbnail images check box.
In the Excluded items group box, click the File format exclusions button. From the left side of the File Format Exclusions dialog box, mark the check boxes of the file formats you want to exclude. To mark all formats simultaneously, click Select All. To remove the check marks from all selected formats, click Remove All.
In the Excluded items group box, click the Uncataloged Folders button. The Uncataloged Folders dialog box lists the folders that are currently not cataloged in the Manage workspace. To add a folder to this list, click Add, and then use the Browse for Folder dialog box to select the folder. To allow a currently ignored folder to be cataloged, select the folder from the list, and click Delete. To reset the list of ignored folders to the default list, click the Reset to Default button.


You can also open the Preferences dialog box by right-clicking anywhere inside the Thumbnails panel of the Organizer, and choosing Preferences from the context menu.

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