Setting Palettes preferences

You can control the behavior of palettes, such as how palettes dock, as well as some properties of the Materials and Layers palettes. For more information about Layers palette settings, see To modify the look of the Layers palette.

To set Palettes preferences Back to Top

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In the Materials palette group box, choose either the Display colors in RGB format option or Display colors in HSL format option.
In the Materials palette group box, choose either the Decimal display option or the Hexadecimal display option.
In the Materials palette group box, choose either Show rainbow picker or Show document palette. Note that this option only applies to images with 256 or fewer colors.
Mark the Display 16-bit values check box. Note that this option only applies to 16-bit images.
In the Allow docking of group box, unmark check boxes for the palettes you want to make undockable.
In the Automatically show palettes group box, choose one of the following:
In the Layers palette group box, choose any of the following:

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