Setting file format preferences

In the File Format Preferences dialog box you can specify how Corel PaintShop Pro handles images in the following formats:

For a full list of supported file formats, see Files supported by Corel PaintShop Pro.

What’s the difference between RAW camera data images and RAW (Graphics) file format images?

RAW camera data images contain unprocessed sensor data captured by high-end digital cameras from Canon, Fuji, Kodak, Minolta, Nikon, Olympus, and Pentax. The data from these images in no way resembles or responds like RAW graphics image data.

RAW graphics images are basic raster data format images with no compression, and may include an optional non-standard header which is not supported by Corel PaintShop Pro. These graphics images are used primarily by game developers and by the scientific community. Game developers use RAW graphics images for custom image texturing, bumpmapping, and shading. The scientific community uses these images for custom application-based image analysis.

Corel PaintShop Pro can create and edit RAW graphics images as well as provide conversion from standard formats (such as TIF, JPEG, or TGA) into the RAW graphics format.

You can correct the tint, or color cast, certain types of lighting may cause. For example, if the photo was shot indoors in fluorescent lighting, and the camera was set for outdoor lighting conditions, the photo may have a green color cast. In this case, you can choose an option that applies correction for a photo taken in fluorescent light.

To set General image preferences Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Manage workspace 

To set WMF image preferences Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Manage workspace 


Mark the Import vector data check box.
Mark the Apply smoothing check box.
To set PCD file format preferences Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Manage workspace 


You can have Corel PaintShop Pro ask you to pick a resolution each time you open a PCD file by choosing the Ask when loading each file option.

To set PNG preferences Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Manage workspace 

To set PostScript file import preferences Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Manage workspace 


Mark the Prompt for size and options each time a PostScript file is opened check box.
Mark the Landscape check box.
Mark the Anti-aliasing check box.
Mark the Render transparency check box


By default, if a PostScript file has a bounding box, the program matches the canvas size to the bounding box.

To set RAW file preferences Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Manage workspace 


You can flip the image upside down by marking the Flip top and bottom check box.

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