Using the Palette Knife tool

The Palette Knife tool interacts with the medium on the canvas. Generally, you use it with strokes placed by the Oil Brush tool as this is the only tool that applies large amounts of its medium. As the mass of the medium reduces in a spot, there is less to smear and using the Palette Knife tool has less effect. This means that the Crayon tool, which applies very little medium, is only slightly affected by the Palette Knife tool.

The method of loading or cleaning the Palette Knife tool is similar to the Oil Brush tool. You can clean it automatically after each stroke, retain the color picked up from the canvas, or allow manual cleaning. You can use the Palette Knife tool to apply pigment or smear it.

Paint strokes applied by the Palette Knife tool are wet in terms of how strokes interact with other strokes by smearing or mixing together. For more information, see To dry or wet an Art Media layer.

Palette Knife tool options Back to Top

Edit workspace 

Palette Knife tool options include

Important! When you hold down the mouse button to begin the stroke, note that a single sample is performed and the resulting color is used for the duration of the stroke.

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