Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.
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Aligning brushstrokes to paths and shapes

You can automatically align a brushstroke to a path or the edge of a shape. You do this by determining the tolerance area, that is, how close the brushstroke must be to the path or shape for automatic alignment to occur. If the brushstroke is within the tolerance area, the brushstroke snaps to the path or shape; if the brushstroke is outside of the tolerance area, no brushstroke is applied.

align stroke to path

You can align brushstrokes to paths (left) and to shapes (right).

To align a brushstroke to a path or shape Back to Top


If there are multiple shapes within the tolerance area, the brushstroke is aligned to the shape on the selected layer.

To set the tolerance area for brushstroke alignment Back to Top

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