Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.
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Choosing colors from the Color panel

You can use the Color panel to select a color and view information about the selected color. The Color panel has two viewing modes: compact and full view. In full view, both the color wheel and sliders are displayed. In compact view, only the sliders are displayed.

color panel

The Color panel in full view

color panel

The Color panel in compact view

In the Color panel, you can choose a color from the Hue Ring and adjust the color from the Saturation/Value Triangle. The following information can help you adjust colors by using the Saturation/Value Triangle.

You can also set the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) and standard Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values for the selected color.

The Main and Additional Color swatches display in the Color panel and the toolbox. They include two overlapping swatches: the front swatch displays the selected Main color and the back swatch displays the selected Additional color.

The Additional color is used when applying more than one color, as in two-color brushstrokes, two-point gradients, and Image Hose effects. It is not what other graphics applications refer to as the "background color." In Corel Painter, the background color is the paper color.

The Main Color and Additional Color overlapping swatches

You can preview a new color before selecting it. When you interact with the Hue Ring, the Saturation/Value triangle, or the sliders, the left half of the color swatch displays a preview of the new color and the right half shows the current color.

You can also enable the Clone Color option from the Color panel. For more information, see Cloning color.

To display the Color panel Back to Top


Choose Window Color Panels Color Panel (Full View).
Choose Window Color Panels Color Panel (Compact).


When using the Color panel in full view, you can quickly show or hide the Compact Color panel by clicking the Color options button , and choosing Color Panel (Compact).

To show or hide the color wheel when using the Color panel in full view, see To show or hide the color wheel.

To choose a hue and color from the Color panel Back to Top
hue ring

Drag in the Hue Ring to select a hue. Drag in the Saturation/Value Triangle to pick the saturation.


You can also select a hue by clicking anywhere on the Hue Ring (in the Standard Colors view) or on the hue indicator (in the Small Colors view).

To choose the Main color Back to Top

Click the front swatch to set the Main color.

To choose the Additional color Back to Top

Click the back swatch to set the Additional color.

To switch between the Main and Additional colors Back to Top


You can also switch between the Main color and the Additional color by pressing Shift + S or Shift + X.

To switch between RGB and HSV values Back to Top

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