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Dynamic Speckles controls

Dynamic Speckles generate a continuous brushstroke from discrete spots of color or speckles. The speckles in the brushstroke are truly dynamic — they are generated as you paint.

Dynamic Speckles brushstrokes with bristle brushes (left) and Particle brushes (right)

To modify the appearance of the brushstrokes, you can adjust the number of dynamic speckles and change their size. You can connect speckle size to an expression such as pressure or velocity so that the speckles grow or shrink in response to subtle hand movements.

You can specify the range of speckle size variability that you want the expression to apply by moving the Min Size slider. This setting represents a percentage of the Size setting. For example, if you connect speckle size with pressure and set Min Size to 20% and Size to 70%, the speckle size will change from 20% to 70% when you apply pressure during a brushstroke.

Dynamic Speckles Flow brushstrokes with size of 14% (left) and 95% (right)

If the size of the brush is linked to an expression, you can scale the speckle size and count to match the brushstroke width so that the overall stroke appearance is preserved. You can control the extent to which the speckles are scaled.

You can link speckle size to an audio signal. For more information, see To link brush attributes and effects to audio.

Dynamic speckles can change their size in synch with audio.

Dynamic speckles can have soft or hard edges.

You can change the size of the speckles and their opacity randomly for a more organic look. In addition, you can vary the size and opacity of dynamic speckles by applying jitter, and you can smooth the jitter effect for more natural-looking brushstrokes.

Dynamic speckles without jitter (left), and with jitter applied (right).

For a list of sample brushstrokes using the Dynamic Speckles technology, see Dynamic Speckles.

To find a Dynamic Speckles brush variant Back to Top
To adjust the properties of a Dynamic Speckle brush variant Back to Top


Move the Count slider.
Move the Size slider.
Move the Min Size slider.
From the Expression list box, choose an expression.
Move the Scale with Size slider. Higher values result in more accurate scaling.
Click the Hard or Soft button.
Move the Random Thickness slider. Higher values vary the size more randomly.
To apply additional size variation, enable the Jitter check box. Move the Smoothness slider for a more organic look.
Move the Random Opacity slider.
To apply additional Opacity variation, enable the Jitter check box. Move the Smoothness slider for a more organic look.
To apply Dynamic Speckles to a brush variant Back to Top

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